Yeap! Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects

Wow, this article is about the amazing new teaching system being introduced to transform education in Finland.

This more current form of teaching/coaching which will give students a better grounding for life in the here and now.
I wish all countries would look at a similar system, as our kids need far different skill set to traverse this modern world than we ever did.

Let me know what you think,

Cheers Teesha Morgan​


Finland has decided to change this in their educational system and introduce something which is suitable for the 21st century.

Source: Yeap! Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects

Amazing stuff- How you can retrain your brain to work around pain and other issues

Hi Everyone,
I watched an amazing podcast Nine Essential Steps Peak Brain Body Performance on Bulletproof radio with Dave Aspery who is a brilliant self taught Brain Hacker today ( which I am addicted to!) with a lady called Anat Baniel who has made some amazing discoveries about how the brain works things out and who has been able to work out how to hack the brain to find new pathways and it is so damn simple that we all should be doing it. Anat has done amazing things with Children with all sorts of conditions where the parents were told the child would live in a vegetative state and yet with some of Anat’s training those kids are now fully functioning adults who are themselves contributing to the world in amazing ways. For those of us with Chronic Pain , Scoliosis, Invisible Illness, Mental Health issues and other serious health issues this should be the first stop but unfortunately Drs are not aware of refuse to believe what modern Neuroscience is discovering. You can change the way that your brain learns, feels and sees the world with a series of movement exercises. Anat coins the phrase “Intentional Movement” as a key factor rather than the normal movement that we do without thinking about it- like gyms stuff. This stuff is groundbreaking and should be a part of our basic education going into the future. Please  Check out  the Bulletproof radio interview and her page- It’s really astounding.

Cheers Teesha Morgan
The Anat Baniel Method

We are so excited to have reached 100 followers!
So I did a little thank you page for you to colour.
As always I would love to see what you do with it. @craftwerxstudio
Cheers Teesha & Daniel

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